
Code of Conduct

Dealing With Late Members

As a Forum moderator, it’s incredibly frustrating to have a jammed-packed agenda that starts at 5 pm, but then members trickle in, so you start ...
Forum Overview

The Dangerous Universal “You” Language

“You know how when you go to Whole Foods, and you buy that $12 peanut butter smoothie, but it doesn’t have enough protein in it, ...
Monthly Reflection Tips

Rating Monthly Updates

The best monthly updates areā€¦ worked on for at least 30 minutes before the meeting instead of last minute or made up in the moment. ...

The Wheel Of Life

It was hard not to get emotional as I looked at the ten pieces of paper in front of me that represented the past ten ...
Constitution/Culture Tips

The Oddly Difficult Role of a Timekeeper

How hard can it be to set your timer to two minutes and then, when it finishes, let people know that time is up? Believe ...
Presentation Tips

Deep dive versus round table discussion

Every monthly forum meeting typically has a section dedicated to either a deep dive or a roundtable discussion. While some forums make space for both ...
Parking Lot Tips

Expanding the “Needs & Leads” Section for More Value

The normal flow for the “Needs & Leads” section of a forum meeting tends to follow a rapid and one-way interaction between the members. It ...
Presentation Tips

How To Use The Debate Format for Your Forum Presentation

The debate format is a great way to engage your Forum in a civil discussion where the presenter is torn between multiple options. To use ...
Professional LifeLife Activity

Professional LifeLife Activity

In a prior post, I shared the LifeLine activity ( as a way to help members share their personal origin stories from birth until now. ...
How To Onboard a New Member
Forum Overview

How To Onboard a New Member

By this point in the process, you have already gone through the process of picking a new member (, and have unanimous support to have ...