Category: Presentation Tips

Presentation Tips

How To Run A Roundtable Discussion Deep Dive

From my prior post on how the Deep Dive section of the meeting can be run, one option is to have a roundtable discussion. The ...
Presentation Tips

How To Make The Most Deep Dive Section

The Deep Dive section of a Forum meeting is one of the least utilized sections of the meeting. This is because most Forums do the ...
Presentation Tips

Why must we turn away from the table during the blind window?

I was recently invited to participate in a forum to observe the process and enhance their forum experience by providing better structure and introducing new ...
Presentation Tips

Sharing Financials In Forums

The two topics that often cause the most friction within Forums when it comes to sharing deeply, are intimacy and finances. For this post, I ...
Presentation Tips

Deep dive versus round table discussion

Every monthly forum meeting typically has a section dedicated to either a deep dive or a roundtable discussion. While some forums make space for both ...
Presentation Tips

How To Use The Debate Format for Your Forum Presentation

The debate format is a great way to engage your Forum in a civil discussion where the presenter is torn between multiple options. To use ...
Open Coaching Presentation
Presentation Tips

Open Coaching Presentation

While it’s always best to take at least one hour prior to the Forum meeting to have the presenter meet with the coach, that’s not ...
Forum coaching and presentations
Presentation Tips

The What If… Brainstorm Presentation Format

The best time to use the Brainstorm style presentation is when the goal of the topic is to generate as many ideas as possible. The ...
Pre-Coaching Worksheet
Presentation Tips

Pre-Coaching Worksheet

Successful coaching is a critical part of a great presentation. To have a successful coaching session, however, there is some pre-coaching work that the presenter ...
The Blind Window Section of a Presentation
Presentation Tips

The Blind Window Section of a Presentation

Have you ever watched a reality TV show and heard someone say something that you couldn’t believe came out of their mouth? Or they said ...