The Forum Launcher

Building World-Class
Mastermind Programs
for Organizations
Since 2010

Imagine your organization's engagement, retention, and productivity rates are through the roof by creating accountability teams that accelerate your people towards their greatest life based on the values of your organization!

“Tom is simply the best there is when it comes to training Forums. That’s why we call him The Forum Launcher!"

Ameen Nassiri
Former EO NY Chapter President

What The Heck Is A Forum?

The idea of Forums is as old as humans and throughout history, there have been many famous Forums. A Forum goes by many names such as Pods, Cohorts, Teams, Bands, Masterminds, Inner Circle, Brain Trust, etc. While they might have many names, they all share the same basic structure and goals. Forums are usually made up of a group of 6-8 members who meet monthly to both reflect on the prior 30 days and plan for the next 30 days. Forums are meant to be a place to go to the deepest 5% of topics you aren’t/can’t share anywhere else. Everything shared within a Forum is 100% confidential within the group. There is a very structured process for each meeting to maximize the limited time together. Members are expected to challenge and support each other on personal, family, and business/career related topics.

Through an accountability system, members help each other design and keep on track, with the life they want to live because they care about each other deeply.

Our Forum Launcher   Programs

Launching New Groups

Through our multi-month Forum Launcher™ process, we take groups of 4-10 people through everything needed to go from brand new to thriving as a self-sufficient team.

Amazing retreats

Our team of retreat specialists curates and facilitates once-in-a-lifetime experiences all over the world for small groups to create deep connections, reflective activities, and lasting memories.

Strategic goal setting

We’ll build the ultimate accountability system for your group through a process of monthly, quarterly, yearly, and lifetime goals so that you don’t leave your best life up to chance.

Coaching & Presentations

Great coaching leads to great presentations which leads to great meetings. We’ll teach you specific strategies to become an outstanding coach and unique ways to spice up your presentations.

Deep personal connections

At the core of every group are the relationships between the members. We’ll take even the most seasoned groups to even more profound levels of connection through a series of facilitated activities.

Master monthly reflections

Our monthly reflection system will get your group to learn from the past in ways they never thought possible while also setting up for the future to create lasting change.

Forum Strategic Planning

Through a series of activities, your forum reflects on the past and builds a strategic plan for the future. The results are a shared vision, tangible actions with outcomes, deeper connections between members, and increased energy for the new year. 
Our team of retreat specialists curates and facilitates once-in-a-lifetime experiences all over the world for small groups to create deep connections, reflective activities, and lasting memories.

“In any large organization, people’s sense of loyalty, connection, and identification comes from being part of a smaller team or group who spend enough time together to know and be known to one another.”

Robert Putnam,
“Better Together”

The Forum Launcher    Process

Month One

During orientation, we go over what Forum is, how to be a high-performing Forum member, how to get the most out of Forum, and we create your initial Wheel of Life for goal setting.

Month Two
“Go Time”

This is your first official Forum! A trained Forum Launcher Facilitator (FLF) runs the entire meeting playing every role. By the end, roles are assigned to each member so the team is empowered to run the next meeting themselves.

Month Three
“Your Turn”

This is your second Forum and it’s time to run through the full process together. Your FLF will continue to support, especially during the group’s first coached presentation where you’ll tackle specific challenges people are facing.

Month Four
“Forum Launch”

This is your third Forum and it’s time to shine! Together as a team you will run the whole Forum and make it amazing. The FLF supports as needed and makes things official by getting everyone to sign a Forum Code of Conduct.



"Tom guided us expertly through each step of the Forum process. He also used various activities to strengthen our relationships as if we’d known each other for years. He did it all with a positive attitude that kept everyone in an upbeat mood as we dug into some tough topics."

Brandon Webb
CEO, SOFREP Media Group

Tom the forum launcher

Meet Tom


After five years on the Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO) NYC Board as Forum Chair, six years as a Forum Moderator for an EO Forum, and hundreds of hours training Forums for TED, YPO, EO, Bliss Champions, and Off The Record, Tom Krieglstein leverages his unique background to help others have a world-class Forum experience as The Forum Launcher™.

Organizations We’ve Worked With



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