
Forum Overview

Changing Forum Roles

Typically, forums change the roles of their members every 12 months. There are a few reasons this is a good practice to do within your ...
Monthly Reflection Tips

Post Monthly Update Reflections

Monthly reflections constitute a significant part of any forum meeting. This part of the meeting is also known to drag on and take up a ...
Presentation Tips

Why must we turn away from the table during the blind window?

I was recently invited to participate in a forum to observe the process and enhance their forum experience by providing better structure and introducing new ...
Featured image for The Fragility Of New Forums blog post
Forum Overview

The Fragility Of New Forums

Without a doubt, the most challenging stage of any forum is the first four months. This is especially true for groups that are brand new ...
Featured image for article: Alternative Monthly Update (Health, Wealth, Love, Happiness)
Monthly Reflection Tips

Alternative Monthly Update (Health, Wealth, Love, Happiness)

I have often described forums as individual states within a larger union. By that, I mean there are some core overriding principles that should guide ...
Constitution/Culture Tips

The Ego of Giving Advice

“Opinions are like nails: once hammered in, they are difficult to remove, and if someone can remove it, there’s still a hole.” Have you ever thought about ...
Goal Setting Tips

3 AI Tools To Level Up Your Next Forum Meeting

Forum meetings are an excellent way for entrepreneurs, business owners, and professionals to collaborate and share their expertise. However, organizing a successful mastermind meeting can ...
Goal Setting Tips

The Forum Health Challenge

Over the past nine years of working with hundreds of Forums, one of the most common topics I hear is health. Some groups only address ...
Constitution/Culture Tips

Three Signs You Should Let Go of a Forum Member

I know one Forum that signed a 30-year contract to stay together through all of life’s ups and downs. Last I heard, the group is ...
Presentation Tips

Sharing Financials In Forums

The two topics that often cause the most friction within Forums when it comes to sharing deeply, are intimacy and finances. For this post, I ...