Category: Forum Overview

What Should Our Forum Name Be?
Forum Overview

What Should Our Forum Name Be?

At the launch of every new Forum, a great debate erupts as to what the group should name their Forum. Surprisingly, picking a name tends ...
Ideal Forum Size
Forum Overview

Ideal Forum Size

Anthropologist Robin Dunbar is famous for theorizing that our brains have a max cognitive limit to the number of people with whom we can maintain ...
Between Meeting Communication
Forum Overview

Between Meeting Communication

The in-person (or virtual video) Forum meetings are powerful, however considering they only happen once a month for a few hours, it’s not enough. Every ...
JRR Tolkien’s Forum
Forum Overview

JRR Tolkien’s Forum

Did you know that JRR Tolkien was part of a Forum called TCBS (Tea Club, Barrovian Society) They founded it in 1911 while in grammar ...
Forums increase member Engagement
Forum Overview

Forums increase member Engagement/Retention

In Robert Putnam’s book, Better Together, which talks about the ingredients needed for a successful community, he says “In any large organization, people’s sense of loyalty, ...
Forum Overview

What is a Forum?

A Forum is synonymous with other names like Mastermind, Inner Circle, Pod, Circles, Teams, Cohort, Brain Trust, Etc. A Forum is a group of 6-8 ...