What is a Forum?

A Forum is synonymous with other names like Mastermind, Inner Circle, Pod, Circles, Teams, Cohort, Brain Trust, Etc.

A Forum is a group of 6-8 peers who meet monthly to both reflect on the prior 30 days and plan for the next 30 days.

A Forum is meant to be a brave space to go to the deepest 5% of topics you aren’t/can’t share anywhere else.

A Forum is a place where everything shared is 100% confidential within the group.

A Forum has a very structured process for each meeting to maximize the limited time together.

A Forum is meant to challenge and support each other on personal, family, and business/career related topics.

A Forum is an accountability team to help each other design, and keep on track, with the life they want to lead.

A Forum is a group of peers who care about each other deeply.
