Category: Activities


Raising Leaders: How to Cultivate Leadership Qualities in Your Children

You probably didn’t grow up with wealthy parents. You probably didn’t grow up with the ability to buy everything you wanted. You probably didn’t grow ...

The P&L Audit

P&L statements are like the fortune cookies of business owners. Everyone has one, and the more you crack it open, the more insights you uncover. ...

The Wheel Of Life

It was hard not to get emotional as I looked at the ten pieces of paper in front of me that represented the past ten ...
Professional LifeLife Activity

Professional LifeLife Activity

In a prior post, I shared the LifeLine activity ( as a way to help members share their personal origin stories from birth until now. ...
A Simple Way to Welcome New Members

A Simple Way to Welcome New Members

It’s a great idea to do some sort of welcome activity for a new member right at the start of the Forum meeting. While some ...

Going Deep With The LifeLine Activity

Knowing where someone came from can better help us understand who they are now so we can better support them with where they are going ...
ACTIVITY - "I See, You See, We See"

ACTIVITY – “I See, You See, We See”

One reason conflict arises between people is because there is a lack of alignment between how they see themselves and how others see them. Forums ...
Opening Warm-Up Question

Opening Warm-Up Question – 90 Days Ago

Here’s a good opening warm-up question for your Forum that directly relates to the current situation with COVID. If you think about how 2020 started ...
Lessons From The Past For The Present

ACTIVITY: Lessons From The Past For The Present

This process of three questions can have MANY different themes, but given the current COVID-19 situation and so much change happening in everyone’s career and ...
COVID-19 Forum Conversation

COVID-19 Forum Conversation

To say these times are unprecedented is an understatement. I’m engaged in countless heartbreaking conversations with small business owners being impacted by the current situation. ...