Raising Leaders: How to Cultivate Leadership Qualities in Your Children

You probably didn’t grow up with wealthy parents. You probably didn’t grow up with the ability to buy everything you wanted. You probably didn’t grow up with the option to choose between public or private school. But your kids do, thanks to the wealth you’ve created through your hard work and persistence.

Your past, for better or worse, shaped who you are today. Reflecting on your childhood, what aspects of it made you the successful person you are now? Despite different circumstances, how can you ensure your children learn those same qualities to succeed in this world?

This was the question we explored during a YPO retreat in Florida that I recently facilitated.

To foster a productive discussion, I put a twist on the entrepreneurial lifeline activity. While I’ve detailed this activity in a prior post, briefly, its goal is to trace each person’s career journey from their first job to their current position. At the end, the group reflects on common traits noticed throughout the person’s journey.

For this group, I introduced two new elements:

1. As each person spoke, I created a larger timeline representing the group’s common experiences at each life stage. After everyone shared, we reflected on these commonalities to identify the top qualities and traits that shaped these outstanding leaders.

2. We then translated each of these qualities into actionable parenting strategies to teach their children.

Even those without children found the activity valuable, feeling like they had a parenting cheat sheet before starting the journey. Others with teenagers felt they had a roadmap to catch up.

What traits do you need to cultivate in your kids now to help them become future leaders?
